Saturday, August 29, 2009

4th & 5th benefit

أنى رأيت بعض الخلق يظن أن شرفه وعزه فى كثرة الأقوام والعشائر فاعتز بهم. وزعم آخرون أنه فى ثروة الأموال وكثرة الأولاد ، فافتخروا بها. وحسب بعضهم أن العز والشرف فى غصب أموال الناس وظلمهم وسفك دمائهم. واعتقدت طائفة أنه فى اتلاف المال واسرافه وتبذيره،

فتأملت قوله تعالى : ( إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم) فاخترت التقوى واعتقدت أن القرآن حق صادق، وظنهم وحسبانهم كلها باطل زائل.

The fourth benefit ~ I observed some people thought that their dignity and honor lie in the multitude of their family and large clans and they were fascinated by those things. Others considered honor and dignity to be in abundance of wealth and children and they were proud of it. Some believed honor and power abide in appropriating the wealth of others, oppressing them and killing them. Others considered dignity to consist of extravagance and spending wealth like water. I meditated upon the saying of the Exalted: إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم

“The most honored of you in the sight of Allah is he who is the most righteous of you.”

I chose righteousness for myself, convinced that the Qur’an is right and true and those claims and opinions of people are false and temporal.”

الفائدة الخامسة : أنى رأيت الناس يذم بعضهم بعضا ، ويغتاب بعضهم بعضا
فوجدت أصل ذلك من الحسد فى المال والجاه والعلم
فتأملت فى قوله تعالى : ( نحن قسمنا بينهم معيشتهم فى الحياة الدنيا)
فعلمت أن القسمة كانت من الله تعالى فى الأزل، فما حسدت أحدا ورضيت بقسمة الله تعالى

The fifth benefit ~ I noticed the people undermining each other and speaking ill of one another and I found that was due to envy of fortune, power or knowledge. I meditated upon the saying of Allah: نحن قسمنا بينهم معيشتهم فى الحياة الدنيا

“It is We who divide their livelihood among them in the life of this world.”

I realized that the process of dividing livelihood is in the hands of Allah since the beginning of time. I therefore never envied any one anyone and was satisfied with the distribution of Allah the Exalted.

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