Thursday, August 27, 2009

2nd benefit

أنى رأيت الخلق يقتدون أهواءاهم، ويبادرون إلى مرادات أنفسهم،

فتأملت قوله تعالى ( واما من خاف مقام ربه ونهى النفس عن الهوى ، فإن الجنه هى المأوى).

وتيقنت أن القرآن حق صادق فبادرت إلى خلاف النفس وتشمرت بمجاهدتها ، وما متعتها بهواها ، حتى ارتاضت بطاعة الله تعالى وانقادت.

The second benefit ~ I saw that creation(people) were following their lusts and hastening towards (fulfilling the demands of lowly) desires of the selves; and I meditated on the saying of the Exalted: واما من خاف مقام ربه ونهى النفس عن الهوى ، فإن الجنه هى المأوى

“Whoever has feared the lofty position of his Lord and has refrained his soul from lust, truly the Garden shall be his dwelling place.” Convinced that the Qur’an was true and tight, I began to oppose the notion of yielding to the demands of the self and hastened to combat it and refuse it its lowly desires, until it enjoyed satisfaction in being obedient to Allah the Exalted.

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